I realize my blog has been a little outdated for some time now. We are not still sick, but actually quite healthy now! Since the last post we've enjoyed Halloween and Thanksgiving! We were very blessed to have my mom and dad visit us this year(a 2000 mile drive)! They brought along their newest addition, Piper the puppy, that isn't so little anymore. She was so much fun to have, yet I realize I am not ready to do a puppy yet! Fisher and piper share many of the same behaviors, mostly putting things in their mouths that don't belong. Our pictures are a little weak as our sweet photographer Sawyer captured the holiday from his perspective. Cute, but very unflattering in most cases. We had a fun week with lots of walks and a few puzzles and games. Being spoiled by mom and dad is always enjoyable!
It was a funny day as the past 7 years we have spent the holiday here with friends. We didn't realize our untraditional style was becoming such a tradition! We are so thankful for them as I am sure the 2000 mile drive by my parents will not happen every year!
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