So the new year has started quite rapidly and I feel like I am just holding on! We had an amazing Christmas vacation and boy did this crew need a vacation! We had a great road trip to AZ, which we have not made since 2002, when we moved here with no kids, a dog and only went one way. The boys did great and I actually managed not to go coo-coo! Thanks to the Moron Test Iphone app, I stayed occupied most of our trip there. Sawyer continues to love riding in the car and watching the blue dot move closer to our destination on the gps. With Fisher turning one, we were able to put him in his front facing carseat, so he could enjoy his movies too! I couldn't be more thrilled with my thumb sucker and paci sucker on this trip. Bad habits, yes, Peace for all, ABSOLUTELY YES!
We were busy the minute we arrived on Christmas Eve and we enjoyed every minute! We are so blessed that everyone lives within 10 minutes of each other, so going back and forth is so easy! I am bummed that we haven't been able to connect with friends on our visits, but having 2 moms, 3 dads, 4 sisters, 4 brothers, 6 cousins, makes for a packed week. I enjoyed tea at the Biltmore with mom and sis, an amazing carnivore dinner with Zach, Kirsten and Milo, the children's museum, shopping time, and hanging out time. Zach had a great day of golf and has a new passion for Guitar Hero! My lack of all 10 digits left me unable to rock with the rest of them, but I found the karaoke and drumming to be much more doable!
My to do list this week has been incredible, yet I feel entirely refreshed from having a little break from the normal. As many do, I have my personal list of things that could use more dicipline this year. This effort will most likely bring about failure, but I still love the challenge to try and make a difference! I'm not sure how I'll post all my pics, but I'll give it a shot!
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